Create an Action Plan
Racism: Public Health Threat (CDC, 2021)
“…Racism—both interpersonal and structural—negatively affects the mental and physical health of millions of people, preventing them from attaining their highest level of health, and consequently, affecting the health of our nation.”
Ya Ne Dah Ah School, Chickaloon
Ya Ne Hah Ah school in Chickaloon is a powerful example of creating systems change. The school is built on a foundation of respect for human dignity and diversity and the belief that different cultural, language, and spiritual traditions must be recognized and respected
Rock Mat-Su, Strategy Map
Rock Mat-Su’s Strategy Map focuses on tackling systemic change through various strategies in the community. Click to enlarge.
“…that’s what happened when they built the schools, communities changed.”
Rachel Nicolai on Colonialism and Resilience
Reflection Questions:
Systems Change:
- What are the steps that lead to systems change?
- In which ways do these examples increase leadership and share power?
- What does the desired future look like?
Future of the Mat-Su:
- What needs to change to get there?
- What are our immediate next steps?
Priorities & Actions:
- What patterns of racism are at work in your community?
- Which of the steps to system change can we use?
- What are our priorities?
- What specific steps will you take?
- What specific steps will we take?